7 Benefits of Homemade Food

7 Benefits of Homemade Food

With climate change, poverty, and illiteracy — poor diet has become another global problem. Low nutrient and highly processed food have made our children more vulnerable to serious health issues like cancer, diabetes, and heart attacks.

“92% of children consume more saturated fat than is recommended.”


That’s not all. For adults too, fast food can increase the risk of obesity and may invite other problems like high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, and heart disease, among other health risks.

With a global net worth of $223 billion, the fast-food industry is booming. But let’s face it. Poorly prepared junk food is killing us — one meal at a time.

It’s time to switch back to ingredient-driven homemade meals that are healthy, nutrient-rich, and made from garden-fresh vegetables.

To get you going, we’ve prepared a list of the top 7 reasons why you should choose house-smoked food against ready-made, inedible meals. If you’re excited, let’s get healthier.

Top 7 Benefits of Homemade Food

#1 – It’s Organic & Healthy:

Eating out may sound more compelling than cooking at home. But doing so regularly can cause serious damage to your well-being in the longer run. That’s because most of the food available out there is made from unprocessed ingredients that are toxic for our bodies.

“About 11 million deaths a year are linked to poor diets around the globe.”

On the other hand, homemade food is made from 100% organic ingredients, making it highly nutritious. Moreover, you can control all the ingredients that go into your meal. This means a healthy diet and a healthier body.

#2 – It’s Wholesome & Quintessential

Not many restaurants adhere to high cleanliness standards. Food prepared in not-so-well maintained environments may invite diseases like stomach flu, food poisoning, diarrhoea, and many more.

When it comes to homemade food, the chances of getting infected are little to none. This is because homemade food is hygienic and natural. It is prepared in clean workspaces and stored in requisite temperatures.

#3 – It’s Garden-fresh & High on Nutrients

The number of customers a restaurant may receive on any given day is unpredictable. The best they can do is stock raw materials like vegetables, fruits, and spices in bulk so they can be prepared in case more customers show up than expected. Sometimes, these things remain unutilized for months. And hence, they may fail to deliver fresh food more often than not.

On the contrary, local vendors preparing food at home generally buy groceries on a daily basis. This means you get to eat fresh all the time. Eating fresh means better health and more nutritious food.

#4 – It’s Safe to Consume

Restaurants and other take-away food providers don’t consider the risks associated with certain raw materials. For instance, the various sauces they use in excess contain high sodium and sugar levels. Only one tablespoon of regular ketchup can inject  167 milligrams of sodium and 3.4 grams of sugar into our bodies. Consuming it regularly can invite some serious health concerns eventually.


With homemade food, you have full control over the raw items that go into your meal. You can ensure only the healthiest condiments are added to your meals — making your food more nutritious and tastier. This way, you can also keep allergic items away from your family.

#5 – It Helps you Maintain a Normal Weight & BMI

According to a popular study, people who consumed homemade food were 28% less likely to have overweight BMI and had 25% less chance of having an excess body fat percentage. As home-cooked food is prepared with whole vegetables and fruits, it has comparatively low calories than most processed foods. This means, if you’re seeking to keep your BMI index optimal, you must control your calorie intake to 2,000 calories a day for women and 2,500 for men. With homemade food, you can easily manage the number of calories that go into your body every day. Ultimately, this will help you stay fit and healthy while maintaining a normal weight and BMI.

#6 – It Packs in Healthy Ingredients

When you eat out at the restaurant, it’s hard to predict what goes into your food. What kind of ingredients do they use? Are they any good? Were the fruits and vegetables used fresh enough? However, with home-cooked food, you can be sure about the quality of each ingredient you use. Moreover, you can cut through a few elements that add little to no value to your food. This way, you may end up preparing the same dish at home that’s healthier, tastier, and packs less but quality ingredients only.

#7 – It Contributes Positively to the Quality & Longevity of Life

popular study conducted on 65 years old Taiwanese living independently found that people who cooked at home at least five times a week increased their chances to live another ten years by 47%.

That’s not all. The food we consume significantly influences our mental health. According to Drew Ramsey, MD, an assistant clinical professor at Columbia University, “The risk of depression increases about 80% when you compare teens with the lowest-quality diet, to those who eat a higher-quality, whole-foods diet.

Thus, if you’re seeking to enhance your life quality, it’s time to cut off restaurant dinners and increase homemade meals.

But What If You Simply Don’t Have Enough Time to Cook Home?

Everyone wants a healthy life. You do, too. But let’s face it. Not all of us have the liberty to cook at home. If that’s you, we’ve got you covered with our wide range of ready-to-eat food packets that are easy to cook and carry. We adhere to best cooking practices and use A-grade ingredients to ensure our meals are healthy and nutritious.

Give us a shout-out and let our ready-made meals suffice all your needs.